Black, male, married, firefighter.............wife is active, I am attempting to fade. No service for 10 years, but ACTIVE. My wife turns in time for the family. What a JOKE.
If I keep listening to gospel music, I may be annointed soon
maybe this thread has already been started before.
please forgive me if it has, but i would like to know how many on board are active witnesses, inactive, da/df''d, or never been witnesses.. i am inactive since 2005, black female, separated, head of household, etc.. rsvp.
Black, male, married, firefighter.............wife is active, I am attempting to fade. No service for 10 years, but ACTIVE. My wife turns in time for the family. What a JOKE.
If I keep listening to gospel music, I may be annointed soon
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> are interracial relationshipsa taboo subject?the exposure to individuals of other racial backgrounds was helpful in my past .
jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
Concerning mixing races, the population of Mexico is a result of race mixing.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> are interracial relationshipsa taboo subject?the exposure to individuals of other racial backgrounds was helpful in my past .
jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
I am in an inter-racial marriage. And it's HARD. I love my husband and couldn't imagine my life without him. But it is very very very very very HARD HARD HARD.
Please explain. What is sooo hard as opposed to a white on white relationship?
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jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
Great Subject!!
I think the culutural differences are the largest barrier to overcome as well. Skin color is an issue because we make it an issue. The media glamorizes and stigmatizes races in positive or negative light. New Orleans is a perfect example. One set of people are looting, while another are looking for feed.
These stereotypes make this race not acceptable and that one, higher up the evolutionary ladder.
What a shame.
hey, as i write this they are having a jc hearing about me!
and i am absent.
Lie and deny.
Keep your family and friend ties. I have a billion dollar investment that I refuse to walk away from.
when i joined some 20 years ago, i was 99% sure i'd make it alive and see the new system without dying, because they way they put it, the end was so close, and i was so young.. today, if i was still going to meetings, i would say that i would be 20% sure of seeing the new sytem without dying first.. if you were still a jw, or if you still are going to meetings, what % would you say is your odds of making it to the new system without dying?.
Great topic. Most think the end is near in some poor congregations. They speak how having children and college are soooo bad because we are so close. In my old hall, they almost giggle from the lecturn as they say similar things.
My parents friends are now in their 80's, they know they will die. At 39 I know the same thing.
got this on the wrong page .
found this from a blogger named ellies foe.
she said to mirror the image on pg 29 of watchtower jan 1, 07. could not find her picture if any.
.....I am progressively understanding the red X.............hummmmm
i'll share a dream i just awoke from about an hour ago:.
i was driving in a van, and there was this man undercover in the van who was on a mission of somesort.... they were following a van driving beside us, and there was a man in that van drawing on the window with a large crayon, he was drawing a detailed and realistic mural of rainbows, flowers and butterflies...they were following this man for some reason.
ok, i guess my mind went in a weird direction after this... (the roads we are driving are completely new to me and unfamiliar) we pull up to the kindom hall and my assignment was to do recon on the the co, as he was reportedly doing some weird things.... so i get there intime for the meeting, i am dressed as a sister, i blend in, and am greeted as a visitor.
.....ever dream you wet the bed??
no just kidding
As an adult I often had dreams about the demons, ............., and I would scream for Jehovah to save me (in the dream, of course).
I had similar dreams as a child and would call Jehovah's name but could not say it. My mother would wake me because I was making odd noises in my sleep.
the wts is regularly criticising churches for their financial giving and portray themselves in this "holier than thou' light on their website:.
what financial contributions are expected of those attending meetings of jehovah's witnesses?regarding money contributions, the apostle paul said: "let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for god loves a cheerful giver.
" (2 corinthians 9:7) at the kingdom halls and convention auditoriums of jehovah's witnesses, no collections are ever taken.
I never asked for donation at the door as well.
I only give my children a dollar for the box every meeting.
That is the reason they enjoy going. Participation.
the reason that i ask this question is for two reasons mainly.. firstly, my experience as a jw and within the various congregations i was part of, was that they were a very mixed bag.
there were those who were very devout, studious and appeared to be very humble and placid in nature.
there were those that were very judgemental of others.
I am 38 and the father of 4 children. I spend Saturday's at Soccer, Karate and Ballet. No fornication, adultry, murder .......
I think I am a good person. I have a tatoo with my wife's picture and childrens names.
My goal is to have a "Beautiful Death" as I told my wife.
I want to die an old, wealthy, happy man. I want my children, grand children and beautiful wife by my side.
As a witness, this would never want such a blasphemous wish.